How A Notary Helps in Documents Notarized in Australia
Australia mandates that you get your documents notarised if you intend to use the same in foreign countries. or meet any of your official objectives. The requirements depend on the respective jurisdiction and often varies from case to case basis. A notary public notarises the document and assure a notarial certificate in Victoria . How a Notary Public in Australia Can Help You? The main role of a notary public is to notarize documents assuring legality and validness. They also assure that the documents get recognition as well. Notary services in Victoria work and processes are the legal acts to make any written record or document valid. After completing the process, you will get a "certified copy" of an original document that is considered verified as a true copy of an original document. These certified copies are your driver's license, passport and birth certificate. Notaries confirm the authenticity of a person by investigating the d...